1. Mission Statement:

To operate as a partner to our clientele, providing a personalised and cost effective transport service tailored to their needs.
To adapt and improve the organisation through improved technology, techniques and training.

2. Vision:

To become the benchmark for quality transport within the chemical transport industry.

3. Company Objectives

Marketing Objectives

To continually meet our core contracted and non contracted clientele requirements in regards to transport to actively target and market new clientele that will improve our customer base and enhance profitability of the company in the long term

Financial Objectives

To provide accurate and meaningful forecasts and to timeously measure past performances of the company, against the above determined goals.

Ensuring the organization is always correctly funded to meet its short and long term financial requirements.

Maintain a strict discipline on all aspects of expenditure to further enhance future profitability and sustainability.

Operational Objectives

To maximize utilization of the fleet in and out of the main national centres through proper planning.

To ensure the organization is correctly fleeted at all times to meet current and short-term future demands.

To ensure each and every operational movement is completed

  • Safely and Efficiently
  • As cost effectively as possible
  • Timeously

Human Resources Objective

To provide a work environment where all employees have the opportunity to develop their abilities to the fullest, through training and redeployment in the organization as required.

4. Company’s Value Statement

Company Values as a component in the overall strategic framework, is becoming increasingly important in these days of good corporate governance, but also for practical purposes linked to the need to build strong corporate culture to underpin over pin overall company performance. The main outputs from deliberations regarding the Values of Cosworth Carriers of the company as a whole is as follows:

  • Respect: a courteous disposition amongst staff and towards clients
  • Integrity: compliance with company norms and standards
  • Openness: an environment which encourages good transparent communication, internally and externally.
  • Reliability: the provision of accurate information to all stakeholders and dependable customer service
  • Quality: a commitment to quality service and safety at all times

Statement of commitment by Managing Member

The following statement is a reflection of the commitment the Managing

Member makes on Cosworth Carriers.
I am personally committed to making sure that we provide an honest and reliable transport service to our clients. That we do so, taking into consideration industry needs, company policy and without any detriment to our employees who are our greatest assets.

We will at all times protect the integrity of our stakeholders while we do so, displaying ambassadorship at the most senior levels.



We believe that:

All accidents can be prevented
Every job can be done safely
Line managers are responsible for the safe environment of those they control
Everyone has a duty to work safely, to be health conscious, environmentally aware and to encourage others to do likewise

It is our company policy to:

Create and maintain a healthy, safe place to work
Establish safe, healthy and environmentally friendly working practices and procedures
Train all employees to work safely
Eliminate unhealthy, unsafe and environmentally negative conditions and actions from the work environment
Stimulate interests and enthusiasm towards safe and healthy working
Transfer H.S.E. know – how to our customers
Actively promote the establishment of sound and workable H.S.E. codes of practices and statutes
Play a leading role in promoting and managing health, safety and environmental matters as any other business activity

We are committed to:

Protecting the health and safety of our employees within the work place
Protecting the health and safety of all who may be affected by our business activities
Protecting the environment
Reducing risks to the level of “As Low As Reasonably Practicable”


Cosworth Carriers, is a road transport service provider that was initiated in 1996. Although we are currently a SME (small medium enterprise), we proud ourselves with our values and visions and forsee our continued improvement into the future.

In doing so, we aim to :

  • Focus on general and hazardous cargo road transport
  • Focus on securing contractual work with blue chip clients
  • Focus on cost reduction by improving efficiencies within our own operation and identifying potential areas within the logistics field.
  • Mutually benefit with our clients in the rewards generated in driving costs down
  • Focus on all elements of BEE to ensure sustainability of the economy and long term success of our company


The shareholders of Cosworth Carriers are Mr. Rishi Munisankar and Mr. Avin Munisunkar.


  • Hazardous Cargo
  • Liquid Bulk
  • Dry Bulk
  • Containerised Cargo
  • Break Bulk Cargo
  • General Cargo

Cosworth Carriers provides a transport logistics service anywhere within the Republic of South Africa. We currently have 20 x Truck-tractors servicing local and long distance, which are fully equipped to transport classified substances. The above Truck Tractors either couple up to Superlink Tankers, Triaxle tankers or Flatdeck / Skeletal Trailers. Our tank/trailer fleet number in 60+ trailers in total. The drivers are also certified to transport classified substances. We also have the necessary Insurance and continuoulsy strive for compliance to the National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996.

Further to this we also do Remover in Bond and are registered with SARS
(South African Revenue Services) Reg No. 20295802.


Profitability is essential in discharging socio-economic responsibility as well as staying in business. It is a measure of both efficiency and the value placed upon us by our customers. It is the duty of management to priortise and discharge responsibilities in areas that we value such as :

  • Customers
  • The Community
  • Employees
  • Other Stakeholders


Cosworth Carriers is a wholly owned BEE company. Our current BEE Status is a level 1 contributor. Our BEE scorecard is available on request.

”Transport to us is not an occupation : It’s a passion and lifestyle in which we take great passion and pride. We are confident that we will exceed your expectations and trust that you will consider building a mutually beneficial relationship with us”.


227 Jacobs Road

Tel. (031) 4654553/8
Fax. (031) 4654564
Cell: 082 4524 897

Quotes/ Operations Director – rishi@cosworth.co.za.
Queries/Operations – premesh@cosworth.co.za.
Accounts/ Financial Director – avin@cosworth.co.za.
General Manager – virosh@cosworth.co.za.
Vat reg. 4590192623
Bus Reg. CK1996/08843/23